Register Now For Rotary's Annual Golf Ball Drop!

Register Now For Rotary's Annual Golf Ball Drop!Register now for the Deerfield Rotary Club's Annual Golf Ball Drop. The winner gets $500! The drop will take place on Wednesday, September 26th at 2 p.m. at Woodland Park in Deerfield. The ball closest to the hole wins $500! You can purchase one ball for $5, six balls for $25, and 30 balls for $100. All proceeds benefit Deerfield Rotary charities. Buy your tickets now at or by following the link below. Any questions? Reach out to event chairman Brian Budny at 847-794-7536 or ![]() |
Deerfield Rotary Coat Off Your BackTemperatures are dropping and for most of us-grabbing a jacket to wear is as simple as opening the closet. Imagine coming to the Midwest for the first time, after leaving your home with nothing…and then having to face a Chicago freeze. It Takes A Village…or two or three! Rotary Club of Deerfield's annual “Coat Off Your Back” drive is being joined this year by the Glenview Sunrise Club, Glenview Club, Northbrook Club and Two Men and A Truck to expand the reach as the need grows. “Refugees are settling in the Midwest during our most challenging season, but we are ready to help!” says event chair Rick Rosenfeld of Glenview Sunrise Rotary, echoed by Sandy Frum, president of the Rotary Club of Northbrook and Deerfield Club President Kent Street. The goal is to make sure that local refugees settling organizations such as Women and Children and Homeless – Connections for the Homeless; PADS of Lake County; Wings; North Shore Helpers; Veterans – The Veterans Closet; Refugees – Refugee One; World Relief; HIAS; ECC; Stock the Shelves; Deerfield Free Store have a great supply to distribute to all ages. This drive is collecting new or like-new Winter coats for infants, children, teens, and adults they serve. “So many of us annually sort through and buy updated coats, jackets, and other winter outerwear. This year – as you go through your previous season winterwear - consider donating to Coat Off Your Back! Our teams of volunteers are processing them immediately to get them in the hands of families now. We encourage you to purchase new items to donate as well.” The Coat Off Your Back drive will begin on November 1st and runs through December 15th Chair Rick Rosenfeld, who is a local business owner of Journey Softly, and Rotarian, has put together a team and process that will coordinate the pickup the coats from drop-off sites, sort and size for distribution. Other businesses are getting involved to help as well. Two Men and a Truck jumped in last year and are now a co-sponsor and transport lead. Owner Brian Stern says, “We are thrilled to be part of this important cause! Transportation is a key requirement for getting the hundreds of donations delivered to sorting centers, and then to the organizations who distribute them.” Donation bins for the Rotary Clubs’ “Coat Off Your Back” drive can be found throughout the Village of Deerfield, Northbrook and Glenview at the following locations through December 15th: o Deerfield Public Library o Patty Turner Senior Center o Sachs Recreation Center o Deerfield High School o Whole Foods – 760 Waukegan Rd. Deerfield o Jewel-Osco – 16 S. Waukegan Rd. Deerfield
Please join Rotarians in collecting needed winter gear. All sizes and genders from adult to children will help. We can accept hats, gloves, scarves in new condition. |
Charity Golf Ball DropThe Deerfield Rotary Club is excited to announce our annual Charity Golf Ball Drop on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. Held at Woodland Park in Deerfield, this annual event supports the many projects and non-profits supported by Deerfield Rotary Club. Online sales are now closed.
5K Run & WalkAll ages welcome to the annual Deerfield Rotary Club 5K Run & Walk on Tuesday, July 4, 2023. Start your 4th of July off by supporting Deerfield Rotary Club. The race starts at Maplewood Park in Deerfield and ends at Maplewood Park in Deerfield. All proceeds from the race go the support the Deerfield Family Days activities. $35 per person in advance $40 per person day of Includes t-shirt, snacks and drinks. Registration is online, click the link below to register. |
Charity Golf Ball DropThe Deerfield Rotary Club is excited to announce our annual Charity Golf Ball Drop on Wednesday, August 31, 2022. Held at Woodland Park in Deerfield, this annual event supports the many projects and non-profits supported by Deerfield Rotary Club. Community members are invited to purchase a golf ball and join us for the fun when the big truck drops the balls and a lucky number wins $500. Golf balls can be purchase in the following amounts: 1 for $5 6 for $25 25 for $100 ![]() |
Rotary Club of Deerfield 90th Anniversary Celebration90th Anniversary Celebration Wednesday, May 4, 2022 6:00 - 8:00 pm Marriott Suites Deerfield 2 Parkway North Deerfield, IL 60015 $75 per person After registering we will send you a confirmation. ![]() |
Rotary Hybrid MeetingsDeerfield Rotary meetings are now both in person and via Zoom. No matter your comfort level you can still attend a meeting. Join Deerfield Rotary every Thursday at Noon at Italian Kitchen in Deerfield. For more information contact Jerry Nagaj at 312-848-2904 or email
Deerfield Rotary Game NightJoin us for Deerfield Rotary Game Night at Deerfield Golf Club on Saturday, February 8 at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $50 and it includes a delicious Mexican buffet! Bring your favorite table games and your friends who like to play: poker, bridge, boggle, scrabble, etc... Contact Barbara Struthers, (847) 975-0917 as reservations are required. Please make checks payable to Deerfield Rotary. ![]() |
Join us for a walk to end Alzheimer'sAlzheimer's impacts too many Rotarians and their families. There are currently nearly 6 million Americans living with the disease with nearly 16 million caregivers. As the number of older Americans grows rapidly, so too will the number of new and existing cases of Alzheimer's. Rotary Clubs will be participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer's, the world's largest Alzheimer's fundraiser, as a National Walk Team, led by the Alzheimer's Dementia Rotarian Action Group (ADRAG). |
District Governor Suzanne Gibson visits![]() |
Meetings on July 11 and July 19Deerfield Rotary will be meeting at Equestrian Connection in Lake Forest on July 11 at 12:00 noon and Deerfield Golf Club on July 18 at 12:00 noon. We hope to see you at our next two meetings! |
Deerfield Rotary 5K Walk/Run![]() The Annual Deerfield Rotary 10K & 5K Walk/Run is back for 2022. Check back here for registration details. |
Walk with Mitchell on June 9Calling all Dog People! We are hosting our 2nd "Walk with Mitchell" event on Saturday, June 9th at 10:00 AM at Jaycee Park in Deerfield. Bring your own dog or you can "rent" one from Orphans of the Storm Shelter. This event is benefiting the Lake County Children's Advocacy Center. Join us with State's Attorney Mike Nerheim and State Senator Julie Morrison for this event. The cost of this walk is $35 and all of the profits go to the Advocacy Center. A "Walk with Mitchell" t-shirt and plenty of snacks will be provided! Click here to register: ![]() |
Walk with Mitchell Pledge FormJoin Deerfield Rotary at the "Walk with Mitchell" event on June 9, 2018. This event supports the Lake County Children's Advocacy Center. Please fill out and return your Walk with Mitchell Pledge Form in advance to Deerfield Rotary, P.O. Box #156, Deerfield, IL 60015. |
Village of Deerfield Blood DrivePlease join us at the Village of Deerfield Fire & Police Department New Year Blood Drive on Friday, February 2, 2018. |
Welcome DHS Choraliers!Deerfield Rotary welcomes the Deerfield High School Choraliers at our December 7 meeting. The Choraliers have been our musical guests for our annual holiday meeting for more than two decades. We can't wait for their delightful ensemble! ![]() |
Welcome District Governor, Donald BrewerWe warmly welcome our District Governor, Donald Brewer, making his official visit to our club on November 30. He will present his outlook and focus for the Rotary year 2017 - 2018. Deerfield Rotary welcomes Donald Brewer! ![]() |
Deerfield Rotary 2017 Gift-checkbooks |
Bocce Night Nov 3 - Get Your Tickets Now!![]() Tickets cost $55 each, which includes light dinner and Bocce (cash bar). You can purchase tickets from any of the participating Rotary clubs, including Deerfield, Northbrook, Buffalo Grove, Glenview Noon, or Vernon Hills/Mundelein. Questions? Contact Peter Fitzgerald or Natalie Kirsch.
Nicasa Cookout - August 23Please let Natalie and Peter know if you plan on attending. Nicasa is located at 2031 Dugdale Road, North Chicago 60064, and we will be serving food at 6 p.m.
Rotary attends Cubs-Brewers Game to Benefit Veterans from the Lovell VA CenterThe game was attended by over 200 Rotarians and guests, including DG Brewer, other PDGs, and other District officials. Oh by the way—the Cubs won 2-1 in 11 innings!
Register Now for our 2017 Fourth of July Race![]() Register today for our annual Fourth of July 10K Race and 5K non-competitive walk/run. Pre-registration is $25 through 24 June, after which cost becomes $30 for all ages. The race will start promptly at 8 a.m. at Walden School, 630 Essex Court, in Deerfield. Our 10K run is an official CARA certified Race. The two loop USTAF certified Cours (6.2 miles) is through neighborhoods shaded by trees. The 5K walkers/runners do one loop for 3.1 miles. First aid, water, and refreshments are available.
Volunteers Needed: July 4th Rotary Race![]() Race Day Volunteers - Tuesday, July 4, 6:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.:
Farmers Market - Saturday, June 24:
Thursday, June 29:
A volunteer sign-up sheet will be distributed at our meeting on Thursday, June 1, or you can contact Barry Gray or Peter Fitzgerald directly.
Interact Club Of Deerfield High School Chartering Ceremony![]() We are very excited about this new club, which has 25 charter members committed to Service Above Self. The Interact Club has already begun fundraising for ShelterBox.
Club Survey![]() |
New Interact Club of Deerfield High School Chartered by Rotary International![]() It is now the time for our Rotary members to work together with the Interact students to inspire positive change in our community, starting with "Jam for Justice" at the high school on May 12.
Deerfield High School Interact Club![]() |
Cinco de Mayo Game Night![]() Reservations are required, $50 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Illinois Fire Safety Alliance's Camp "I Am Me", a special and unforgettable one-week camp experience for children and teenagers who have suffered injuries from burns. Download the poster for more information and to make your reservation!
Thanks for walking with Mitchell![]() We were able to raise more than $3,000 for the Children's Advocacy Center with our 2-mile Walk with Mitchell 30 April. About 30 dogs and their owners took part, from tiny Bichon Frise to huge Mastiffs.
Mitchell is a very special therapy dog that comforts the children of abuse at the Children’s Advocacy Center. You can still make a donation to the Advocacy Center to support the walk and their great work. |
Join us for a game night for charity![]() Purchase tickets on Eventbrite or download our flyer for a QR code you can use to register. Also visit our Facebook event page.
Welcome our newest member![]() |
Be a Gift to the World![]() Ravindran is asking Rotary members worldwide to use their talents, expertise, and leadership to transform the lives of others.
Coat Off Your Back Drive
Huatulco Project
To help children have access to books, the Huatulco Rotary club, in conjunction with the Deerfield Rotary Club, plan to create a learning center in the U2 sector of Huatulco, Mexico. |
Join our celebration of membership in AugustDuring the month of August, join Rotary’s global celebration of membership. Downloading the graphic above from RI’s facebook page and use it as your Facebook profile, or post a photo of your club in action on Facebook, Twitter, Vine, or Instagram using the hashtag #WeAreRotary to be included in a hashtag gallery showing how Rotary makes a positive impact in the world. |
Fourth of July race![]() We had 154 people finish our annual 10K race, and another 73 cross the end line for the 5K run, for a total participation rate of 227 runners. Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make the race great and keep things running smoothly.
Wine and Dine with us
Italian Kitchen Chef John Sciaretta has pulled out all the stops with his culinary skills to dream up an outstanding menu for the evening, which will include appetizers, salad, entrée, and sides. Sommelier B. Pierre Asti of Sunset Foods has selected a perfect pairing of wines to accompany the menu, for your sampling pleasure and consumption. Wines will also be available for purchase.
Cost is $45 a person. Reservations are required as seating is limited to 40 persons. RSVP to Janice Becker, President of the Deerfield Rotary Club, at or by phone 847-418-2846. Download the poster.
Light Up Rotary |
ChoraliersThe Deerfield High School Choraliers will perform for our annual holiday meeting 5 December. Photo by Ed Collins. |
Welcoming our newest member
Rotarian Hall of Fame
It was almost 75 years ago, but Renata Laxova remembers the night her mother put her on the kindertransport train to England with 100 other children with heartbreaking clarity. |
Waste not, want not![]() Come join us for a tour of Deerfield's new state of the art wastewater treatment plant, immediately before our regular noon lunch meeting next week. If your a guest, please call Barbara Struthers to let her know you are coming and for details. |
Back to school supplies for Nicasa![]() On 20 August, we delivered backpacks full of school supplies for 14 children of families at Nicasa, a non-profit, behavioral health organization providing prevention, education, early intervention, treatment, and recovery services for individuals, families, and communities in Lake County and the surrounding area. |
Rutherford discusses state finances
Visit us on FacebookWe've launched a Facebook page. Join us at and like us. |
Deerfield Rotary installs new officerJuly began with a bang, not only because of the Fourth of July fireworks which followed our 47th annual road race, but also because we welcomed in our new slate of officers. |
Rotary helps out at Halloween Hoopla |
Mayor proclaims 24 October World Polio Day in Deerfield![]() Dorothy Collins receives a proclamation from Mayor Harriet Rosenthal making 24 October World Polio Day in Deerfield. |
Farmer's Market and Community Service Day![]() A big thank you to all the hearty souls who braved the elements at Farmer's Market and Community Service Day. It was cold and windy but still a success. |
Show your support for ending polio![]() In September, world leaders will gather in New York City for the United Nations General Assembly. Polio eradication will be discussed. Now is our chance to tell the governments of the world to fund the final push needed to finally eradicate polio. These signatures will be presented to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as a show of solidarity and support at a special polio event during the UN General Assembly. Check out the new End Polio New website and Sign the petition |
Deerfield Rotary installs new officers![]() Past District Governor Bill Ferreira (at left), presents the Rotary Foundation's Major Donor Award to Barry Clark, newly-instaled Treasurer of the Deerfield Rotary Club, with wife Lorraine looking on. |
Club installation coming up |
The Vintage PINION is back!! |
Historic visit for Rotary![]() RI President Kalyan Banerjee met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul 2 April, marking the first time an RI president has visited the country. Banerjee presented a medal to Karzai in recognition of Karzai’s support for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, in which Rotary is a spearheading partner. |
Rotary clubs have water projects on tap![]() The International H2O Collaboration, an alliance between Rotary International and USAID, is a centerpiece of Rotary’s emphasis on water and sanitation issues. Launched in 2009, the alliance works to implement long-term, sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in the developing world. The first phase of the partnership has focused on three countries: Ghana, the Philippines, and the Dominican Republic. |
Perfectly cast![]() As an Ambassadorial Scholar, Erik Blome, a 1984 graduate of Deerfield High School, spent a year learning to cast bronze at the Royal College of Art in London. He returned to his hometown of Chicago and landed a commission to cast a bust for a city library. |
Supporting literacy in the jungles of Guatemala![]() Barry Gray and his son Jeffrey took part in an Ak’ Tenamit service project along with 18 other volunteers from District 6440 in January |
Rotarians, chamber mingle after hours![]() Rotary joins Park District at Chamber After Hours.Deerfield Rotarians and other attendees of the DBR Chamber After Hours mingled with Park District leaders, staff, and other members of the local business community. |
Don't Text & Drive!Look for the Don't Text & Drive banners at the corner of Deerfield Road and Waukegan Road. The Rotary Club in partners with Deerfield High School, The DBR Chamber of Commerce and the Deerfield Police Department have sponsored this campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of texting while driving. Thousands of accidents, serious injuries as well as documented deaths have been directly related to drivers texting while behind the wheel. We want all to stay alive! Don't text and drive! |
Deerfield Rotary Helps Japan
Deerfield Rotarians have raised over $1,000 to provide a shelter box for Japanese victims devastated by the recent tsunami. Many thanks to our generous members for allowing the club to be of service.
Fourth of July raceThe Deerfield Rotary Club hosted its 47th annual 10K race on 4 July. The weather was perfect!! |